Workshop on Entrepreneurship FEB UI, Networking and Higher Education – Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland


Workshop on Entrepreneurship FEB UI, Networking and Higher Education – Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland

Workshop on Entrepreneurship FEB UI, Networking and Higher Education – Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland


Nino Eka Putra ~ Humas FEB UI

Nurlaily Setyasari ~ International Office FEB UI

DEPOK – From 6th to 15th August, Universitas Indonesia will hold an international teaching visit program entitled UI Resolv (UI Research and Scholar Visit). FEB UI had the honors of visited by Mrs. Angela Hamouda, Lecturer and Researcher on Entrepneurials, Creativity and Innovation at Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland.

On Tuesday, (7/8) the program had held the first workshop session in Ruang Seminar 1 on Departemen Manajemen 2nd floor. Mrs. Angela Hamouda explained how to create an entrepreneurial mindset and the importance of the networking role. the session was interactive with a lot of discussion with the participants consists of lecturers, students, and teacher assistant of FEB UI.

On Wednesday, (8/8) Mrs. Angela talked about Ireland culture and entrepreneurial skill in the context of higher education. In the 1st session, Mrs. Angela Hamounda introduced the audience to the culture and conditions of Ireland, from her campus to the popular musicians of Ireland. On the 2nd Session, Mrs. Angela explained the importance of planting entrepreneurial skill in higher education. She highlighted how entrepreneurial skill is not only needed for creating jobs and start-ups, but a mindset to be open-minded and adapts to the changing of the world. With this point of view, educators needed to establish an entrepreneurial mindset on a curriculum for students.

We thank Mrs. Angela Hamouda for the shared insight and inspiration for us all. Hopefully, the entrepreneurial mindset will be implemented soon for a better future. (Des)

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