The 8th ICSGS



The 8th ICSGS

Conference BackgroundThe pandemic turned to endemic has pushed many countries in the world to digitalize almost all sectors in order to accelerate the development. Every crisis moments create momentum of opportunity to revive and reawaken the hidden potencies of nations. Instead of given thought about  the digital culture, the social changes rapidly occurred. The discourses of digital security, cyber threats, monetization, crypto currency, big data, internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and social media had taken us concern about future generations. The very existence of AI application distorts the academic world too where the difference of human and bot could hardly determine. Chat GPT also opened academic eyes where the human analytics skill would perish against the advancement of technology that could provide more precise answers, despite lack of wisdom. Alipay has turned MSMEs to wider market and reach even small villagers to allow opportunity reach them. Gojek eases the burden of stagnancy in making affordable and comfortable public transportation where at the same time reduce the traffic frequency. Would everyone be fitted with the recent situation or still some country left behind? Whereas, for some parts of the world the very basic needs like electricity, elementary education, clean water, healthy food, and secure shelter are still luxurious and hard to access for certain part of the world. The gap disparity remains and recent world order is not everyone’s favor or answer for all problems.Meanwhile, the attack of HAMAS to the Israeli shocked the world when the Operation Aqsa Flood launched in 7th of October 2023, days gone by the casualties mounted and the psychology of Palestinian disturbed to the extent incurable. Worse things worst Iran retaliates Israel after the attack to its consulate in Syria. The international society and global politics failed to show solidarity amidst the humanitarian catastrophe in Palestine, where Western alliance continously rejected the cease fire in the UNGA. The US as the global power failed to show its quality as the world leader which prove the political constellation moved to the multipolarity. The injustice still persists and the voice to transform world order in UN resonates. The consequence lies on the transformation of global security where each nations pursue its own weaponization to ensure its national survival and well-being in the face of uncertainty and unpredictable threats.The opportunity arises in the sector of global halal industry. The player is not only Muslim countries, but non-Muslim countries are taking part. The industry expanded from food to banking and financial system, as well as tourism and fashion. Countless exhibition in regards with halal industry appeared and triggered more expansion in market as the global expense in halal industry significantly increased. This conference will become the melting pot of brilliant idea and push forward the solution to the global problem by making strategic decision into useful resource for all to solve the matters.

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