National Justitiade 2018



National Justitiade 2018

Sports Department of Student Executive Body Law Faculty Universitas Indonesia (Departemen Olahraga BEM FH UI) 2017 proudly presents the predominant sports event; “NATIONAL JUSTITIADE by Law Faculty Universitas Indonesia 2018”, a national scale sports competition.The event aims to be the vessel for students of various law faculty in university across Indonesia to channel their skills and talent at sports. In its initial year, NATIONAL JUSTITIADE will have several competitions including; basketball for men and women also soccer.

Technical Meeting and Talkshow : 9 February 2018
Opening Ceremony : 10 February 2018
Main Event : 10 – 16 February 2018
All Star Game : 17 February 2018
Closing Ceremony : 17 February 2018



Universitas Indonesia Stadium



Pondok Karya Pembangunan Ciracas Sports Hall

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