Call For Paper The 2014 Asia Pasific Student Forum



Call For Paper The 2014 Asia Pasific Student Forum

“Youth Innovation in Eradicating Poverty for Sustainable Development”

Asia Pacific Student Forum is one prestigious event held by Universal Youth Alliance. It is a big challenge to run The 2014 Asia Pacific Student Forum since the success of its predecessor, The 2013 Asia Pacific Student Forum 2013.

The 2014 Asia Pacific Student Forum makes its own remarkable historical records, yet, need to be improved, especially in the matter of quality of the event. Considering Universitas Indonesia is the frontline of high education institutions in Indonesia, the implementation of this event will show how we are able to speak more in an international youth forum.

The 2014 Asia Pacific Student Forum will bring up the main topic of “Youth Innovation in Eradicating Poverty for Sustainable Develompment”. The main reason why we chose this topic is because poverty is a problem for each developing country even developed country in the world. Poverty becomes one big problem for nation and it also becomes a shared responsibility for us to ellevate it. It is necessary fr student as intellectuals to be gathered in a forum that discusses this issue, figured out a better solution together and conduct actions based on that solution.

When we see a broader view of MDGs which were established in 2000 by United Nations, it brought up the idea of eradicating poverty in millineum century (21th Century) that will ends in 2015, so the topic of “Eradicating Poverty” would be nteresting for the international world to see the result of MDGs that have been implemented for these past few years.

The seond reason is positioning. Poverty is a rarely chosen as the main topic for conference. The participants are youth, which adds the ositive side of this event. We will gather in a forum to discuss this issue that will be submitted as a recommendation to the public policy regulator. The main output of organizing this international conference is the establishment of student’ ideas that will be united in the form or proceeedings, and even the best paper will be published in a prestigous journal. The other output is the realization of interstate cross-projets in poverty  allevation trhough An Act of Random Kindness Project (ARK Project).

The realization of this forum will further be crystalized into five main field:

  1. Education
  2. Health
  3. Technology
  4. Socio-Entrepreneurship
  5. Financial Inclusiveness

For the prospective participants can chose one of that field/subtopic to develop their own paper.


Step-by-Step how to register as paper participant at APSF 2014:

  1. Open for detail information about APSF 2014
  2. Open
  3. If you don’t have EasyChair account just click sign up (it’s free), if you have it just log into your account
  4. Click add a submission sign
  5. Follow the instructions at the webpage
  6. Fill your paper information including first author (corresponding author) information until the last author


Abstract Submission Deadline : July 7, 2014

Notification of Abstract Acceptance  : July 20, 2014

Submission of Extended Abstract or Full Paper Deadline : July 25, 2014

Notification of Extended Abstract and Full Paper Acceptance (Poster and Oral Judging)  : Augustus 20, 2013

Delegates registration deadline : September 10, 2014

Flight Confirmation : September 11, 2014

Conference : September 25-28,  2014

  1. Don’t forget to fill the title, abstract and keywords of your paper
  2. After that upload your abstract with pdf file format
  3. Then click submit
  4.  Wait until 20 July 2014 to know if you have been accepted or not to APSF 2014 (the announcement will be published on our website and by email)
  5. If you have been accepted, see if you make into oral or poster presentation (also provided on the website and your email)
  6. After that immediately you will receive our Letter of Acceptance for facilitate your visa approval
  7. Both poster and oral presenter must upload their full paper using their easychair account
  8. Then APSF Conference Committee will email you about the detail of the poster and the presentation format
  9. Last part, you have to register yourself at and don’t forget to pay (all information about conference fee and stuff provided on the website
  10. And enjoy the conference! :D
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