Indonesia MUN 2020



Indonesia MUN 2020

Indonesia Model United Nations (Indonesia MUN) is the premier varsity level Model United Nations of Indonesia. Organized each year by Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia MUN provides a platform for delegates to engage with international matters in a diplomatic matter. Indonesia MUN strives to expand the network of its participants, as well as deepen their speaking, negotiating, and legal drafting skills in order to improve their community by learning beyond the boundaries of a classroom. Through its extensive events, Indonesia MUN hopes to heighten the spirit of Model United Nations and improve delegates as future leaders of the country. Above all, Indonesia MUN aims to implement values of diplomacy, human rights, and justice within each of its participants by means of a United Nations conference.After nine years, Indonesia MUN has brought changes in Indonesia by spreading the values of diplomacy and the importance of international knowledge. Indonesia MUN has successfully spread the spirit of diplomacy to thousands of national and international students worldwide to countries such as the United States of America, Russian Federation, Singapore, Malaysia, Nepal, and the Philipines, Indonesia MUN has also been instrumental in increasing the capacity of participants to improve the quality of debate and substance. This year, Indonesia MUN 2020 intends to directly involve United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations, and experts in preparing our substance.

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